What happens in your body when you contract the corona virus?

What exactly causes your body to develop pneumonia??

How could a vaccine work?

The corona must infect living cells in order to reproduce. Let’s have a closer look. Inside the virus, genetic material contains the information to make more copies of itself. A protein shell provides a hard protective enclosure for the genetic material as the virus travel between the people it infects. An outer envelope allows the virus to infect cells by merging with the cell’s outer membrane. Protecting from the envelope are spikes of protein molecules. Both a typical influenza virus and the new Corona virus use their spikes like a key to get inside a cell in your body where it takes over it’s internal machinery, repurposing it to build the components of the new viruses

When an infected person talks, coughs or sneezes, the droplets carrying the virus may land in your mouth or nose and then move into your lungs. Once inside your body, the virus comes in contact with cells in your throat, nose or lungs. One spike on the virus insert into a receptor molecule on your healthy cell membrane like a key in a lock. This action allows the virus to get inside your cell.

Next, the virus travels inside a sack made from your cell membrane to your cell’s nucleus that where your cell houses all it genetic material. Then, the viral envelope and cell membrane sack combines, allowing the the viral envelope and cell membrane sack combines, allowing the viral genetic material to leave the sack and enter the nucleus. The viral genetic material hijacks the energy and materials in your cell’s nucleus to make thousand of copies of itself. Some of the genetic material moves out of the nucleus, then attaches to the protein building parts of your cell called ribosomes. These then use information from the genetic material to make other viral proteins, such as spike protein. A packaging structure in your cell then carries the spikes in vesicles, which merge with your cell’s outer layer, the cell membrane. All the parts needed to create a new virus gather just beneath your cell’s membrane. Then, a new virus begins to butt off from the cell’s membrane.

How can you develop pneumonia symptoms?

For this, we’ll have to look into your lungs. Each lung has separate sections, called lobes. Normally, as you breathe, air moves freely through your trachea, or windpipe, then through large tubes called bronchi, though smaller tubes called bronchioles, and finally into tiny sacs called alveoli. Your airway and alveoli are flexible and springy. When you breathe in, each air sac inflates like a small balloon and when you exhale, the sacs deflate. Small blood vessels, called capillaries, then carbon dioxide from the air you breathe passes into your capillaries, then carbon dioxide from your body passes our of your capillaries into your alveoli so that your lungs can get rid of it when you exhale. Your airways catches most germs in the mucus that lines your trachea, bronchi and bronchioles

In a healthy body, hair like cilia lining the tubes constantly push the mucus and germs out of your airways where you may expel them by coughing. Normally, cells of your immune system attack viruses and germs that make it past your mucus and cilia and enter your alveoli. However, if your immune system is weaken like in case of Corona virus infection, the virus can overwhelm your immune cells and your bronchioles and alveoli becomes inflamed. Your immune system attacks the multiplying viruses . The inflammation can cause your alveoli to fill with fluid. Making it difficult for your body to get the oxygen it needs. You can develop lover pneumonia that affects one lobe of your lungs or you could have broncho pneumonia that affects many areas of both lungs.

Ventilator used to provide oxygen for Corona Virus patients

Pneumonia may cause

  1. Difficult breathing
  2. Chest pains
  3. Coughing
  4. Fever and chills
  5. Confusion
  6. Headache
  7. Muscle pain
  8. Fatigue

It can also lead to more serious complications. Respiratory failure occurs when your breathing becomes so difficult that you need a machine called ventilator to help you breathe. These are machines that saves lives and medical device companies currently ramp up production for.

Whether you would develop these symptoms depends on a lot of factors, such as your age, whether you already have an existing condition. While all this sounds scary, the push to develop a Corona virus is moving at high speed. It is a race against time to develop a vaccine and a pandemic. Each step in vaccine development usually takes months or years. While all this takes time, stay home if you can to protect the most vulnerable and don’t forget to wash your hands for at least 20 secs and as often as possible STAY SAFE. Also read composition of the corona virus HERE

Top 10 Cosmic Doomsday Scenarios That Could Wipe Out Humanity

A lot of Scenarios have been thought to cause Human extinction but 10 occurrence have been brought together that are likely to wipe out every Human on Earth

10. Jupiter turns into a star

If a Jupiter somehow gained more mass, it could become a star. It would completely disrupt all orbits of planets and asteroids in the Solar system

9. The moon falls to Earth

If the moon reached the Roche limit, it would be ripped apart into million pieces. The debris would eventually form Rings around our planet like Saturn’s

8. Our solar system gets sucked into a black hole

There’s a supermassive black hole at the center of our Galaxy. It could eventually suck our Solar system into it but scientists think it’s unlikely to happen.

7. A massive Gamma Ray burst hits Earth

GRB’s are most electro-magnetic events known in the universe. The cosmic Ray’s would bring us lethal doses of Radiation.

6. A Rogue star enters our solar system

If a visiting sun is bigger than ours, it would bring it’s planets, moon and comets with it. Any one of those would smash into Earth or spin it off into the darkness of cold space.

5. A Rogue Planet enters our Solar system

A Rogue Planet probably wouldn’t smash into anything, but it would disturb all orbits. It could eject Earth from the solar system or move us dangerously close to the sun

4. Earth’s core cools down

If the Earth’s core cooled, the planet would lose it’s magnetic field. Our atmosphere would be blown away and Earth would become similar to Mars

3. A large asteroid smashes into Earth

Small asteroids smashes into Earth everyday. But a larger body that wiped out all the dinosaurs is rare but could strike again.

2. A massive Solar storm hits the Earth

If a Solar system is powerful enough, after destroying our satellites and all power grids, it could melt the Earth as we know it.

1. The Sun expands and destroys us

When our sun dies in about 5 billion years, it will expand into a red giant, and will swallow Mercury, Venus and Earth in the process.

Structure and composition of Covid-19 virus

We’re beginning to understand the biology of the Covid-19 virus.

Corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome, Corona virus 2. The disease was first identified in 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province in central China

Composition of the virus

Signs and Symptoms

  • Fever
  • Dry cough
  • Fatigue
  • Sputum production
  • Anosmia (loss of smell)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle pain or joint pain pair
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Nasal congestion
  • Diarrhea
  • Haemoptysis
  • Conjunctival congestion

What If The Earth Atmosphere is filled with pure oxygen. Would we be able to survive??

Oxygen takes up just over 20% of our atmosphere, and the rest is mainly Nitrogen. It’s no secret that you need oxygen. It allows us to breathe, and it’s responsible for all forms of life. If there were no oxygen in the atmosphere, everything would die, including you!

But, what would happen if the atmosphere was nothing but oxygen? At first, it might sound like a good thing. Oxygen is what helps us to live and gives our bodies energy. More of it has to be a good thing right? There are even bars all around the world that offer hits of 95% oxygen. These services claim number of things from making you more productive at work, to being able to cure hangover. If you were able to breathe 100% oxygen all the time, would it make you extremely energetic superhuman version of yourself? Nope! Not at all. Too much oxygen is actually a bad thing. At a certain point, it can be downright poisonous for humans. If you breathe in too much pure oxygen too fast it creates free radicals.

Free radicals are unstable atoms that damage cells and they’re linked to variety of diseases, including cancer and Alzheimer’s. They’re also thought to be linked to things like wrinkles and grey hair also. If you’re able to survive an extended period of time with pure oxygen in the atmosphere, we’d most likely appear much older.

But that could only happen if we evolved and adapted to live in an oxygen only atmosphere. If it happened instantly, your chest would be hurting each time you took a deep breath. Fluid would accumulate in your lungs and you’ll start to become dizzy and lightheaded. As you kept breathing, your lungs would begin to get damaged and so would your brain until you lost consciousness and died.

If there were so many oxygen in the atmosphere, the insects trachea would expand and their bodies would get bigger. If you happened to survive long enough to light a match, you wouldn’t last too long after that. As soon as you brought your flame to something. It would instantly catch fire in a massive explosion.

Oxygen is a key ingredient to what makes a fire spread and expand. If we only had oxygen in our atmosphere. Our fire would become massive. What used to be a small campfire would be a fiery explosion. So, if you could breathe in an atmosphere of pure oxygen, the giant insects and the Earth burning all around you would make life pretty tough, even impossible. The only way to survive would be to adapt and to make sure fires never happened. And what would life be without fire?? That’ll be another story for another day.

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